Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Rainy Day Angels

It was three on the dot this afternoon when I stepped out the door of my teacher's house and felt myself immediately immersed in wetness. It was just that kind of rain that comes down steadily all day, all night and pretty soon all week and completely saturates everything in sight. Unfortunately on this day I was one of those objects "in sight". Ah me. And of course today just happened to be a day when I had no ride to get me to my destination.


Despite these daunting circumstances, I boldly walked across Judy's lawn and out to the street . On account of Thanksgiving the high school kids had been released early, so I had the entire sidewalk to myself. Lovely!

"It really is a beautiful day." I told myself as I trudged down the street and started singing a song to myself. I took strange delight in splashing through whatever looked the least bit splashy (actually just about everything looked that way).

When I was on my second block and my second movie soundtrack, I was suddenly confronted by a wonder! Out of the gray a gleam of white forced itself upon my senses. Then I realized what it was and would have invented a puddle jig on the spot if I had had time, for there was my dear teacher gesturing to me from the interior of her beautiful white automobile! Without another thought I jumped in and rode the rest of the way to the Lynden Library feeling as if I was Cinderella. I arrived wet, but none the worse for wear!

I love you Judy! You're my proof that angels really do roam the earth.

1 comment:

Mark said...

But that means you didn't get to splash anymore--what about the songs which were suddenly banished from your head...and the free sidewalks which you had to yourself! All gone! Ruined! :)

Ok, so it might actually be nice to be somewhat dry upon your entrance to the library--didn't come without a price, though.