Monday, March 07, 2005


Pink. Seemingly the essence of girlish femeninity, chickly weakness, and babely pride. Pink is my color. It is the hugh that every girl child by default makes its grand entrance into society wearing. To some it is shallow and wimpy--but hey! Its just so pretty! You can express so much in this perfect color:

Powder pink--you're calm, a little shy, very sweet.
Fuschia--vivacious, bold, a teensy bit rompy.
Petal pink--soft, but lively, lovely in the fullest extreem.
Pastel pink--a trifle niave, happy, girlish.
Magenta--(not from Blue's Clues) rich, mysterious, but charming.

To all my pink hating friends--remember that it takes allot of pink and blue to come out with your precious purple.

Now you may be thinking, "Why so much ado about a color?". Well most everyone has their color, for instance--Sara and blue, Jenna and red or black, Mark and yellow...these colors are universally loved for their brightness, and basic boldness. They are on every color pallate. But what about pink? Its not even included in the rainbow! Someone has to sing its praises--so why not me? A girl who really does appreciate it in all its splendor.


La*Oriente said...

What is this world coming to?? Am I going to have to write a rival post extaling the virtues of Black, Red, and Blue?

CelloChic said...

Oh, such a lovely blog entry, Beka.
I do so relish pink...but in moderation, right? I was just IMing a friend of mine trying to explain that a true man wouldn't care what color he was wearing b/c he wouldn't associate his identity with (or make it depend upon) the color he was wearing.
If my friend Jesse, Semper-Fi himself, favors pink above all others...why should a GIRL have a prob. w/the color?!
BTW: My bath room is three dif. shades of pink, pink, PINK!!!
Black and Red rule all though...even though pink is great. I'm w/you Jen.
Sara, you're gonna hate the color when you drown in it someday...

Rebekah said...

Well Sara, I do like turquoise (sp?) very, very, very much. That's a type of blue...

Erin, I don't know if I can get enough of pink--you see I have hardly anything in that lovely color! I mourn over this fact daily. But I don't know about a guy who wears pink...that's a little weird.

CelloChic said...

That's true. Only some guys...the weird ones...can pull it off.
Beka-if we start a Chickly Weakness Blog, we'll use the all-pink-power one, okay?

Rebekah said...

Christian David Neff!!! Pink is NOT a weak color!!!! And don't you forget it. But I really don't know about guys who where pink...I can tell you right now that none of MY brothers would be caught dead in such a femenine color...

Rebekah said...

Tasha, its so nice to have you here--welcome to my blog! By the way, what is your blog address?? Do tell!

~Rae said...

ahhh, pink! I would have to say that pink is my most favoritist color also! that and green, bright, VIVID green, like the green of the grass.. Actually, call me wierd, but I like the combo of pink and green... so much that I decided to make those the colors of my room!!

btw, incase you are wondering who "~rae" is.... this is Rachel Schoolland :)

~Rae said...

oh... and about guys wearing the color... I guess its not tha big a deal, but it's deff. not the first color I'd pick for them.... Honestly, I think it'd just be kinna wierd.

Anonymous said...

i like your dissertation on pink! but what's wrong with blue's clues magenta? well, i guess she isn't very mysterious, but she is rather charming, wouldn't you say?? just joking...
andrea m.

KatzeMeg said...

Pink is a beautiful thing! "Think Pink!" Like the song says in the movie "Funny Face," another delightfully girllie aspect of life to be embraced. Me, i'm a green person. fav color; earthy, calm, slightly wacky (think toxic green.)

Anonymous said...

Hey sis, do you think I'm wierd enough to wear pink?

Rebekah said...

NO, NO, NO, and NO again! I don't think you're weird enough to wear pink. I think you're weird of course to a certain degree we all are, but not enough to wear pink. How would the Air Force take to that??

P.S. How's Germany?

gr@ce said...

Pink is definatly not weak!! Erin, if I could have my bathroom 3 shades of pink, I WOULD!! Only I dont think my grandma would agree...(considering we share a bathroom!) but yes, BLUE tops it all!