Sunday, April 19, 2009

I require a beautiful life

I require a beautiful life.
Not one without grief or dirt or cold tea or black beatles. But certainly beautiful.
I require a life that surprises all who encounter it. A life that I have created through stout labor and the good help of God.
I require a simple life, true, but rich too. Richly imagined and richly designed that is. And full of rich moments--the ones that will take my breath away.
And taking the joy with the pain and the love with the heartache, I shall live my beautiful life working, and trusting, till I die.


Anonymous said...


May that life be yours, today and every other day. Happy Birthday!

It has been a long time, but many fond memories linger of those good days in Lynden. Life never retreats. It is good to know that God knows what is best, for I could wish to turn the calender back three years. That was the best time of my life so far.

I hope that you are doing well in New York. The country there is beautiful.

It would be nice to hear from you, find out what you've been up to, etc. I have thoughts of returning to the blogosphere but for now I am reachable at



PS. More blog posts? Maybe? Please?

Judah said...

Rebekah, I apologize if my birthday greeting at the top of the page(in which I misspelled your name! Sorry!) brought this disgusting attention to your blog. Don't know how it could have. Anyway, feel free to delete my comments with the others if you want to. These reptiles should be...ah hem. I remain, as always, your obedient servant/executioner,
P.S. Hope you still number me among your friends. Keep going up!